PIMS Year in Review 2010
(2010)It is a pleasure for me to write these lines in our Year in Review 2010, which is a publication containing an overview of the multiple activities held at PIMS during the year.
I think it is safe to say that 2010 was the “Year of Alberta” at PIMS, thanks to the remarkable scientific activities that were launched in that province. As readers may know, one of the major scientific offerings at PIMS is the Collaborative Research Group (CRG), which brings together faculty at PIMS universities to organize international thematic events such as workshops and summer schools, recruit postdoctoral fellows, and attract distinguished visitors. In 2010 PIMS launched two impressive new CRGs based primarily in Alberta, on the respective topics of “Mathematics of Quantum Information” and “L-functions and Number Theory”. Both of these groups will build on traditional strengths in Western Canada and attract multiple activities to PIMS universities. We are grateful to Barry Sanders and Matt Greenberg from the University of Calgary for their leadership on these projects.