PIMS Year in Review 2011
(2011)It is a pleasure for me to write these lines in our Year in Review 2011, which is a publication containing an overview of the multiple activities held at PIMS during the year.
This has, as usual, been a year of hectic activity and remarkable accomplishments by the PIMS community. In 2011 we launched a new Collaborative Research Group on Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, anchored by colleagues in Edmonton, Vancouver and Calgary. Meanwhile our CRG in L-functions and Number Theory put together a wonderful focused period of thematic activity in Alberta and hired some amazing postdoctoral fellows. The CRG in Mathematics of Quantum Information has reported some significant research accomplishments that you can read about on page 5. Our pipeline for CRGs continues to grow, and in 2012 we expect to launch two new ones, connecting researchers at various PIMS sites.