PIMS Year in Review 2016-2017
(2016-2017)In 2016, I was delighted to be named the new Director of PIMS. Taking over for the Acting Director, Martin Barlow who had stepped in to fill the substantial void left by Alejandro Adem when he left in early 2015 to become MITACS CEO, was both a daunting honour and a fantastic challenge. Martin steered the ship until July 1st, when he passed the baton onto me.
My goal as director is to meaningfully enhance the research, teaching and collaboration capacity of all the mathematical scientists that PIMS serve. There is a great deal of incredible work being done to further our mandate of promoting dialogue and awareness surrounding the mathematical sciences that often flies under the radar, and I want to not only give voice to these successes, but further support and expand them.
In 2016 PIMS launched two new CRGs: Geometric and Cohomological Methods in Algebra, and Geometric Analysis. (Please read more about these on pages 4 and 5.) I believe in collaborative endeavour in all sciences and our CRGs serve to help advance both research collaboration and mathematical science as a whole.