Conference on Applied Inverse Problems 2007
The enormous increase in computing power and the development of powerful algorithms has made it possible to apply the techniques of Inverse Problems to real-world problems of growing complexity. Applications include a number of medical as well as other imaging techniques, location of oil and mineral deposits in the earth's substructure, creation of astrophysical images from telescope data, finding cracks and interfaces within materials, shape optimization, model identification in growth processes and, more recently, modelling in the life sciences.
The series of AIP Conferences aim to provide a primary international forum for academic and industrial researchers working on all aspects of inverse problems, such as mathematical modelling, functional analytic methods, computational approaches, numerical algorithms etc.
The success of the first conference in Montecatini in 2001 with more than 150 participants and several parallel sessions led to the proposal to have this Conference every two years, alternating between North or South America and Europe or a site outside the western hemisphere. A second equally successful conference was thus held in Lake Arrowhead, California in 2003 and finally a third was held in Cirencester in the UK Cotswold region from June 26th to 30th in 2005. The fourth will be held in Vancouver from June 25th to 29th in 2007.
Each AIP Conference will follow the pattern of a number of invited talks from international experts and a set of minisymposia on topical themes. The venues will been chosen to encourage the maximum interaction between all participants.
Mini Symposia
Simon Arridge: Optical Tomography
Habib Ammari and Hyeonbae Kang: Current Trends in Biomedical Imaging
Tilo Arens: The Factorization Method in Inverse Problems and its Applications
Elena Beretta and Elisa Francini: Determination of defects from boundary measurements
Liliana Borcea: Inverse Problems for Wave Propagation
Kurt Bryan: Inverse Problems in Thermal Imaging
Fioralba Cakoni: Inverse Problems in Electromagnetic Scattering Theory
Andrea Caponnetto and Lorenzo Rosasco: Learning from Examples as an Inverse Problem
Anna Celler and Manfred Trummer: New Frontiers in Nuclear Medicine Image Reconstruction
Jin Cheng and Masahiro Yamamoto: Inverse problems in Industries
Ivan Cimrak and Marian Slodicka: Recovery of Missing Parameters in PDE Models
Gabriel Cristobal: Superresolution Imaging
Maarten de Hoop: Phase Space Transforms, Computation, and Inverse Scattering
David Finch: Mixed mode medical imaging
Colin Fox: Computational Inference in Inverse Problems
Peter Gibson and Michael Lamoureux: Wavelets in Inverse Problems
Eldad Haber and Doug Oldenburg: Numerical methods for distributed parameter estimation in PDE's
Felix Herrmann: Recovery from incomplete data: applications to imaging
Felix Herrmann and William Symes: Software for Inverse Problems
Victor Isakov: Inverse Problems for Systems
Leila Issa: Imaging in cluttered waveguides
Sergey Kabanikhin: Numerical Methods for Multidimensional Inverse Hyperbolic Problems
Paul Kinahan: Medical Image Reconstruction for PET and CT
Mihael Klibanov and Masahiro Yamamoto: Carleman estimates in inverse problems: theory and numerical methods
Shiro Kubo: Identification of defects and cracks
Matti Lassas and Lassi Päivärinta: Advances on Analytic and Geometrical Methods for Inverse Problems
Antonio Leitao: Nonstationary inverse problems
Daniel Lesnic: Inverse Problems in Engineering
Russel Luke, Roland Potthast and John Sylvester: Limited Data Inverse Scattering Techniques
Anna Maria Massone and Roy Pike: Image reconstruction in Optics and Astronomy
Jennifer Mueller and Samuli Siltanen: Advances in Electrical Impedance Tomography
Axel Munk: Statistical inverse problems and shape constraints
Gen Nakamura and Roland Potthast: Recent methods for identifying discontinuities in media
Andreas Neubauer and Ronny Ramlau: Adaptive Regularization Techniques
Assad Oberai: Inverse Problems in Biomechanics
Michele Piana: The Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Problem
Jianliang Qian and Hongkai Zhao: Traveltime tomography: theory, numerics and applications
Eric T. Quinto: New Topics in Tomography
Wolfgang Ring: Level-Set Methods for Shape Identification Problems
Fadil Santosa: Inverse Problems from Industrial Applications
Otmar Scherzer: Spherical Means in Action
Jin-Keung Seo: New techniques in Electrical Impedance Imaging.
Knut Solna: Detection and Imaging with Incoherent Signals
Erkki Sommersalo: Inverse Problems in Cell Biology
Ricardo Weder: Inverse Spectral and Scattering Theories and Inverse Boundary Value Problems
Additional Information
Calderon Prize
The Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA) will award the first Calderon Prize to a researcher under the age of 40 who has made distinguished contributions to the field of inverse problems broadly defined. The Calderon Prize Committee consists of Professor Adrian Nachman, Professor Lassi Paivarinta, Professor William Rundell (chair), and Professor Michael Vogelius.
IPIA will present the award at the Applied Inverse Problems 2007 Conference to be held in Vancouver, Canada, June 25-29, 2007. The award will include a certificate, a $500 prize, and an invitation to give a plenary lecture at the conference. The prize also includes reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses to Vancouver.
Besides a nomination letter please include a two page CV of the nominee and a complete list of publications. At most two additional supporting letters can be included. The Calderon Prize Committee can also solicit nominations.
Nominations should be sent to Professor William Rundell by April 30, 2007, at the e-mail address Inquiries should be also be addressed to Professor Rundell
Kari Astala (University of Helsinki)Martin Burger (WWU Muenster) Daniela Calvetti (Case Western Reserve) Emmanuel Candes (Caltech) Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton) Mathias Fink (ESPCI, France) Omar Ghattas (University of Texas, Austin) David Isaacson (RPI) Joyce McLaughlin (RPI) Fadil Santosa (University of Minnesota) John Schotland (University of Pennsylvania) Jin-Keun Seo (Yonsei University) Stephen Smale (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago) Plamen Stefanov (Purdue University) , William Symes (Rice University) , Fons Ten Krode (Shell Research, the Netherlands), Jun Zou (Chinese University of Hong Kong)