13th Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information
The Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information is now in its 13th year and is proud to bring together students from Canada and other countries to learn about quantum information. Past schools have been held in Toronto, Montréal, Sherbrooke, Waterloo, Vancouver and Calgary. This annual summer school series focuses on educating select early-stage graduate students in a stimulating environment of lectures by world-leading researchers covering leading aspects of quantum information. The lecturers are known not only for being leaders in the field but also for their strong didactic skills. The lecturers are drawn from computer science, mathematics, chemistry and physics.
The goal of this summer school is to provide a general audience of graduate-level computer scientists, physicists, and mathematicians with little or no background in quantum information processing to the exciting and growing field of quantum information science.
The school consists of five consecutive days of talks that cover the basics of quantum information processing as well as more advanced topics, including:
· Quantum information theory
· Quantum algorithms and lower bounds
· Implementations and models
· Quantum communication, nonlocality, interactions
The school will take place on the University of Calgary campus with exact location to be announced closer to the date. The program runs Monday through Friday 17 – 21 June 2013, and an opening reception will be held Monday 17 June.
Peter Høyer, Co-Chair (University of Calgary)
Barry Sanders, Co-Chair (University of Calgary)
Christoph Simon (University of Calgary)
Wolfgang Tittel (University of Calgary)
All students who participate in the Summer School are strongly encouraged to attend the 10th Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC) as it presents an excellent opportunity to interact with fellow students.
For more information about CQISC please go here.
Since the Summer School and Conference are being held back to back, there will be an opening reception for the Summer School on Monday, 17 June 2013 and a banquet to be held on Thursday, 27 June 2013. There will also be an outing to take place on the weekend in-between the two events. All the more reason to attend both! Watch out for more information on these events.
Additional Information
For registration and further details, please see the official event page at http://www.iqis.org/events/cssqi13/index.php
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Full scientific report available here.
Alexandre Blais, Université de Sherbrooke
“Quantum information Processing with Superconducting Circuit"
Dominic Berry, Macquarie University
“Elementary Quantum Algorithms”
“Techniques for Quantum Algorithms”
"Quantum Simulation Algorithms”
Nilanjana Datta, University of Cambridge
“Entropies and Information Theory”
Austin Fowler, The University of Melbourne
“Why use the Surface Code?”
“Anatomy of a Surface Code Algorithm”
“Modern Surface Code Research”
Ivette Fuentes, The University of Nottingham
"Technical tools in quantum information and quantum field theory"
"Entanglement in flat and curved spacetimes"
"Localized systems for relativistic quantum information processing"
Daniel Gottesman, Perimeter Institute
“Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance”
Matteo Mariantoni, University of Waterloo
“Superconducting Qubits”
Christoph Simon, University of Calgary
“Quantum Memories”
“Quantum Repeaters”
“Quantum Cryptography beyond Quantum Key Distribution”