West Coast Algebraic Topology Summer School 2013
This year we're having a small-scale WCATSS, organized by and for grad students and postdocs. The theme is infinity categories, but the specific content of the course will be based on the interests and expertise of the participants. We will use this wiki to come up with a schedule of talks.
Why should you attend this summer school?
** Meet other early-career algebraic topologists and see friends from other conferences you've attended.
** Attend lectures outlining current research as well as more general background lectures and problem sessions.
**Gain experience giving a talk outside your department.
Additional Information
Location: University of Oregon
How to Apply: Anyone is welcome to apply. Please look at the list of possible topics on the Schedule of talks page and then fill out the form on the sign up page. The deadline for applying is Wednesday, July 31.
WCATSS is supported by the PIMS, the NSF, the University of Oregon, and Stanford University.