Women in Numbers 3
Number theory is a fundamental subject with connections to a broad spectrum of mathematical areas including algebra, arithmetic, analysis, topology, cryptography, and geometry. The vitality of this field depends on the full participation of all number theorists. The number of female number theorists is steadily growing, especially at the graduate student and postdoctoral level; however, there are still relatively few women reaching high profile positions. Visibility of women at international workshops and conferences tends to be low, with percentages of female speakers rarely exceeding 20%. For instance, in the last three cycles of CNTA and ANTS conferences, only 4 of the 41 plenary speakers were women. The lack of female leaders in the area is an issue that perpetuates itself, since it has repercussions in attracting and training the next generation of female mathematicians.
The proposed workshop aims to promote research and leadership among female number theorists within a supportive environment. Many participants told us that the previous WIN conferences ignited their careers. For the graduate students, it was eye-opening to see the level of intensity of the projects. Junior faculty, both postdocs and assistant professors, seemed to gain the most from the WIN experience. Several mentioned that the WIN projects introduced them to completely new directions for research. Faculty with high teaching loads appreciated the chance to focus on research. For group leaders, it was a formative experience to find new research problems and direct a research group.
The specific goals of the workshop are:
- To generate research in significant topics in number theory;
- To broaden the research programs of female number theorists, especially pre-tenure;
- To train female graduate students in number theory, by providing experience with collaborative research and the publication process;
- To strengthen and extend a research network of potential collaborators in number theory and related fields;
- To enable female faculty at small colleges to participate actively in research activities including the training of graduate students; and
- To highlight research activities of women in number theory.