2017 PIMS-CRM Summer School in Probability
Main courses by:
Mini-courses by:
Additional Information
PIMS and CRM will cover the accommodation for some particpants. Those covered should have already received a notice from the organizers and will receive their booking reservations at a later date.
Registration for this event is now closed
Additional Information:
Financial Support:
Some financial support for students is available, in the form of paid accommodation. Participants from the US are also eligible for limited reimbursement of travel expenses. The deadline for requesting financial support is 2016-12-31. Applications can be made by completing the funding form.
Travel and Visa Information for International Participants
Click here for information of travel if you are an International particpant. If you require a letter of invitation from PIMS, please ensure that you have met all the criterial on the noted information sheet. PIMS may request for additional information in order to send a letter of invitation.
Please visit the summer school website for more information.
Final Scientific Report available here