2018 Summer School on Geometry and Topology
We are pleased to announce the third in a series of NSF funded summer schools in geometry and topology at the University of Chicago.This one will take place June 11-15, 2018.Algebraic topology was introduced in part as a tool to understand algebraic functions. The purpose of this summer school is to explain how algebraic topology can be used to understand phenomena in classical algebraic geometry (e.g. the 27 lines on a smooth cubic surface, solutions to polynomial equations via braid groups, and much more). This summer school is intended for grad students and postdocs.
There will be four minicourses:
1. A crash course on algebraic varieties.
2. Topology, braids and algebraic functions.
3. Miracles of classical algebraic geometry.
4. Resolvent degree and Hilbert's 13th problem.
This summer school is funded in part by the PIMS CRG on Geometric and Cohomological Methods in Algebra.
Additional Information
Registration Details:
For more details and to apply for this event, please visit the website here.
Particpants from PIMS Universities who would like to attend this event should email Zinovy Reichstein (UBC).