Summer School on Stochastic and Probabilistic methods for atmosphere, ocean, and climate dynamics
Financial aid and accommodation will be provided for eligible students and post-docs. The deadline for application is May 15, 2008.
Additional Information
Lecture notes and downloads available above.
Financial Aid (for students and post-docs)
Students and post-docs who are attending the summer school are invited
to apply for financial aid to cover their accommodation cost in the
UVic Student Residences (Bed and Breakfast), a food allowance of up
$100, and a travel allowance to be determined according to the distance
traveled. Please specify the city you are traveling from and if
possible an estimate of the expected air fare. We may cover only some
percentage of your air fare.
To apply, please fill in the application form (which will soon be
available on the registration page) and provide your resume with the
list of publications if any, and name and affiliation of your
supervisor. Also provide a description of your research area (a few key
Please click here to register.
Norm McFarlane (Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis)Saroja Polavarapu (Meteorological Service of Canada)Adam Monahan (University of Victoria)Boualem Khouider (University of Victoria)Alexandros Sopasakis (University of North Carolina Charlotte)Xiaoming Wang (Florida State University)