Pacific Interdisciplinary hub on Optimal Transport

2021 2024

The Pacific Interdisciplinary hub on Optimal Transport (PIHOT) is a Collaborative Research Group examining the research and applications of Optimal Transportation across a wide audience of researchers, students, industry, policy makers and the general public. 


The Kantorovich Initiative is a dedicated website to help foster a community around the topic of Optimal Transportation.

Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar: Robert McCann
July 23, 2024
University of British Columbia
While Einstein’s theory of gravity is formulated in a smooth setting, the celebrated singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose describe many physical situations in which this smoothness must eventually breakdown. In positive-definite signature...
Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar: Laetitia Chapel
May 23, 2024
University of Washington
Optimal transport operates on empirical distributions which may contain acquisition artifacts, such as outliers or noise, thereby hindering a robust calculation of the OT map. Additionally, it necessitates equal mass between the two distributions...
Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar: Yair Shenfeld
April 4, 2024
Density functional theory (DFT) is one of the workhorses of quantum chemistry and material science. In principle, the joint probability of finding a specific electron configuration in a material is governed by a Schrödinger wave equation. But...
Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar: Ziv Goldfeld
February 8, 2024
The Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance quantifies dissimilarity between metric measure (mm) spaces and provides a natural alignment between them. As such, it serves as a figure of merit for applications involving alignment of heterogeneous datasets...
Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar: Giuseppe Savare
November 30, 2023
I will try to present an overview of some results of unbalanced optimal transport for positive measures with different total masses, showing the crucial role of the so-called cone representation and of the corresponding homogeneous marginals. The...
Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar: Jason Altschuler
October 12, 2023
Shifted divergences provide a principled way of making information theoretic divergences (e.g. KL) geometrically aware via optimal transport smoothing. In this talk, I will argue that shifted divergences provide a powerful approach towards unifying...
Scientific, Seminar
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar: Jakwang Kim
September 28, 2023
Deep learning-based approaches have succeeded surprisingly in various fields of sciences. In particular, one of the first and most successful achievements of them is image classification. Now, deep learning-based algorithms perform even better than...
Scientific, Seminar
PHIOT CRG Seminar: Aaron Palmer
February 25, 2021
The optimal transport problem provides a fundamental and quantitative way to measure the distance between probability distributions. Recently, it has been successfully used to analyze the evolutionary dynamics in physics and biology. Motivated by...
Scientific, Seminar
PHIOT CRG Seminar: Giovanni Conforti
March 25, 2021
The theory of large deviations provides with a way to compute asymptotically the probability that an interacting particle system moves from a given configuration to another one over a fixed time interval. The problem of finding the most likely...
Professor of Mathematics, University of Washington
Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Alberta