2014 West Coast Algebraic Topology Summer School
This summer school is aimed at graduate students and post-docs, though all are welcome. We have support from the National Science Foundation and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences for roughly seventy-five participants, including local accommodations and partial reimbursement of travel expenses (depending on interest and available funds).
Scientific Plan: The scientific goal is for participants to learn about the different aspects of the study of topological field theories, reaching the research frontier as much as possible. These different aspects include:
(1) the origins of topological quantum field theory in physics;
(2) the mathematical formulation and relation to bordism theory;
(3) extended theories and the cobordism hypothesis;
(4) examples and applications, such as string topology, factorization homology, and examples from representation theory.
Format: Some participants will be preparing and giving lectures which have been planned in advance by the scientific committee. The number of lectures each day will be limited, and the the additional time used for activities to complement lectures. Some possible activities are: question sessions; students working on problems; smaller lectures which could fill in background for less experienced participants (possibly given by other participants with expertise), or could go further into recent advances for more experienced participants; reading; and side discussions. Because of the very different perspectives represented, we will consciously promote opportunities for communication across specialties.
Additional Information
Summer School Syllabus:
The WCATSS 2014 information and Syllabus can be found here.
All WCATSS sessions will occur either in the Earth Sciences Building (ESB) or the Aquatic Ecosystems Research Labs (AERL). Please see the schedule below.
Mon July 7:
8:30AM: Registration and Check in located at the ESB Atrium
9:00AM - 12:30PM ESB Room 1012
12:30PM- 5:30PM ESB 1013
Tue July 8:
All day: AERL 120
Wed July 9:
8:30AM - 12:30PM: ESB 1012;
Thur July 10:
8:30AM - 12:30PM: ESB 1012;
12:30PM- 5:30PM ESB 1013
Fri July 11:
8:30AM - 12:30PM: ESB 1012;
12:30PM- 5:30PM ESB 1013
**Campus Maps are available here
Accommodation will be provided at UBC's student residences. Participants who are receiving accommodation funding should review the check in details here.
Travel documentation:
If you are an international participant and require a visa to attend this summer school, you can find relevant information here. Apply for your visa well in advance of your travel!
Local Information:
Local Transit: UBC is transit friendly and Bike friendly. Check information on arriving on campus by transit and getting transit tickets here; rent-a-bike to get round campus here.
- Taxis: Taxis are available outside Walter H. Gage towers or by phone at 604-861-1111.
- Local Weather: Check current conditions here.
- Food outlets and their hours of operations: On Campus; Off campus such as UBC Village; Point Grey Village and Westbrook village offer an array of restaurants and food outlets.
- On Campus Activities: UBC recreation and UBC’s top attractions.
Registration Process:
Registrations for the Summer School are now closed.
Please help PIMS to improve the quality of its events and plan for the future by filling out this quick and painless survey.
This workshop is supported by PIMS CRG: CRG in Applied, Algebraic and Geometric Topology (2014-2018)