PIMS Announces the Departure of Dr. Jayadev Athreya as Co-Director International

With mixed emotions, we announce that Jayadev Athreya will be stepping down from his role as Co-Director International at the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS).
Jayadev Athreya served as PIMS Interim Director from July 2021 to June 2022, after which he transitioned to the role of Co-Director, International. During his time as Interim Director, he led the proposal to the Simons Foundation, which was successful and funded key programs such as PRIMA, the Institute Exchange Program, PIMS-BIRS Team Up, and the PIMS-Simons Postdoc program. “It was a pleasure to collaborate with Jayadev Athreya during this dynamic period when we were both new to PIMS leadership. Together, we worked on the NSERC renewal and proposed a new leadership model featuring two Co-Directors alongside the Director, all while learning the day-to-day operations of PIMS. After two years, I am happy to say that it all went quite well.”, says Ozgur Yilmaz, Director of PIMS. Kristine Bauer, Co-Director International of PIMS adds "Jayadev has been an invaluable member of the PIMS Leadership team, and I am extremely grateful to him for his contributions and his camaradarie. I am especially grateful for his vision for inter-institute collaboration and his dedication to transparency, equity and welcoming."
During his time with PIMS, Jayadev’s unwavering dedication, strategic vision and collaborative spirit have significantly contributed to our successes and growth. His leadership led to the establishment of impactful initiatives such as PIMS-BIRS Team Up, PIMS First Year Interest Groups (FYIG), and the Virtual Experimental Mathematics Lab (VXML). Jayadev also played a pivotal role in overseeing the PIMS Institute Exchange Program, forging partnerships with prestigious institutions worldwide. His contributions have profoundly shaped our organization, leaving a lasting legacy.
Notably, Jayadev's leadership in establishing and chairing the Indigenous Engagement Committee (IEC) has created numerous opportunities for PIMS to support indigenous-led initiatives in the mathematical sciences. Additionally, his efforts in organizing the 2022 PRIMA Congress showcased his dedication and impact.
While we will greatly miss Jayadev's leadership and presence, we look forward to him continuing on with PIMS in various capacities.
Please join us in expressing our deepest gratitude to Jayadev for his outstanding contributions and in wishing him continued success.
Ozgur Yilmaz, Director
Kristine Bauer, Co-Director, Industry
Engin Ozberk, Board Chair