L-Functions in Analytic Number Theory

2022 2025

Analytic number theory focuses on arithmetic questions through the lens of L-functions. These generating series encode arithmetic information and have connections with a host of other mathematical fields, such as algebraic number theory, harmonic analysis, Diophantine approximation, probability, representation theory, and computational number theory. The main focuses of this CRG include moments of L-functions and automorphic forms, explicit results in analytic number theory, and comparative prime number theory.


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Scientific, Seminar
L-functions in Analytic Number Theory: Cruz Castillo
September 25, 2023
University of Lethbridge
For an integer k≥3; Δk (x) :=∑n≤xdk(n)-Ress=1 (ζk(s)xs/s), where dk(n) is the k-fold divisor function, and ζ(s) is the Riemann zeta-function. In the 1950's, Tong showed for all large enough X; Δk(x) changes sign at least once in the interval [X, X +...
Scientific, Seminar
L-functions in Analytic Number Theory: Vorrapan Chandee
September 18, 2023
University of Lethbridge
In this talk, I will discuss my on-going joint work with Xiannan Li on an unconditional asymptotic formula for the eighth moment of Γ1(q) L-functions, which are associated with eigenforms for the congruence subgroups Γ1(q). Similar to a large family...
Scientific, Conference
Comparative Prime Number Theory Symposium
June 17–21, 2024
University of British Columbia
The “Comparative Prime Number Theory” symposium is one of the highlight events organized by the PIMS-funded Collaborative Research Group (CRG) “ L-functions in Analytic Number Theory”. It is a one-week event taking place on the UBC campus in...
Scientific, Seminar
L-functions in Analytic Number Theory: Olga Balkanova
April 5, 2023
University of Lethbridge
We prove an explicit formula for the first moment of Maass form symmetric square L-functions defined over Gaussian integers. As a consequence, we derive a new upper bound for the second moment. This is joint work with Dmitry Frolenkov.
Scientific, Seminar
L-functions in Analytic Number Theory: Wanlin Li
February 1, 2023
University of Lethbridge
A Dirichlet character over Fq(t) corresponds to a curve over Fq. Using this connection to geometry, we construct families of characters whose L-functions vanish (resp. does not vanish) at the central point. The existence of infinitely many vanishing...
University of Northern British Columbia
University of Lethbridge
University of British Columbia
PIMS Site Director - University of Lethbridge