University of Alberta

University of Alberta
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS/AMI/Chemistry/Engineering Seminar: Tim Newell
July 7, 2016
University of Alberta
Broad area Quantum Cascade Lasers (BA-QCLs) tend to oscillate on fewer transverse modes than the number which can be supported by the waveguide. In cases lasing is dominantly if not totally on a single high-order transverse mode, it leads to a well...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Martin Buhmann
March 21, 2014
University of Alberta
In this talk we give a review of the approach to multivariable interpolation and approximation using radial basis functions. They are most popular in theory and applications because they provide approximants and interpolants in any space dimension...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS UAlberta Distinguished Speaker: Hanfeng Li
September 21, 2016
University of Alberta
Entropy is one of the most important invariants in dynamical systems, in both measure-theoretic and topological settings. The original Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy was introduced for integer group actions in the late 1950s and extended to amenable group...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Yao Li
August 30, 2016
University of Alberta
In this talk, I will present my recent result about the ergodic properties of nonequilibrium steady-state (NESS) for a stochastic energy exchange model. The energy exchange model can be seen as a stochastic approximation of a certain billiards-like...
Scientific, Conference
ABC Algebra Workshop
October 29–30, 2016
University of Alberta
The ABC Algebra Workshop is a series of one or two day workshops, featuring invited algebraists, from Alberta and British Columbia, and others from outside of Canada. Location: University of Alberta, Central Academic Building, Room 657. Click here...
Scientific, Summer School
Superschool on Derived Categories and D-branes
July 17–23, 2016
University of Alberta
Superschools focus on topics at the interface of Mathematics and Physics. Graduate students and early career researchers, from both Mathematics and Physics, will be guided, in an intense week-long summer school, by the mentors. String Theory...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
AMI / PIMS Distinguished Lecture: George "Bud" Homsy
March 10, 2016
University of Alberta
Much of the progress in applied mechanics and applied math has resulted from the gradual accumulation of knowledge and understanding through contributions by a community of researchers. However, occasionally a single paper contains fundamentally new...
Scientific, Conference
2016 CMS Summer Meeting
June 24–27, 2016
University of Alberta
The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) invites the mathematical community to the 2016 CMS Summer Meeting in Edmonton, Alberta, from June 24-27. All meeting activities are taking place at University of Alberta (116 St & 85 Ave, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3)...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director (Interim) - University of Alberta Eric Woolgar CAB669
Site Administrator Kimberley Wilke-Budinski (780) 492-4217 CAB 632F
PIMS Site Director - University of Alberta Thomas Hillen CAB 611
Science Instructor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences Trevor Pasanen
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Daniyar Omarov University of Alberta Optimal Transportation Brendan Pass 2024
Jin-Cheng Guu PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Algebra, Number Theory & Mathematical Physics Terry Gannon 2024
Canon Sun PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Quantum Theory Joseph Maciejko 2023
Eugene Bilokopytov PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Functional Analysis & Theory of Operators Vladimir Troitsky 2023
Jyoti Bhadana PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Probability Theory Michael Kouritzin 2022
Jesse Huang University of Alberta Algebraic geometry David Favero 2021
Raphaël Belliard Postdoctoral Researcher Mathematical Physics Vincent Bouchard 2021
Reinier Kramer Postdoctoral Researcher Algebraic Geometry Vincent Bouchard 2021
Andrew Schopieray University of Alberta Category theory, homological algebra Terry Gannon 2020
Chandra Rajulapati University of Saskatchewan Global Water Fund John Pomeroy 2019
Sergii Myroshnychenko Convex Geometry Convex and discrete geometry Vladyslav Yaskin 2019
Shirou Wang University of Alberta Probability Yingfei Yi 2019
Rotislav Devatov University of Alberta Algebraic Geometry Nikita Karpenko 2018
Steven Scully University of Alberta Algebraic Geometry Arturo Pianzola 2017
Ariana Bianchi University of Alberta Applied PDEs Thomas Hillen 2016
Taiki Shibata University of Alberta Nonassociative rings and algebras Arturo Pianzola 2016
Aghil Alaee Khanga University of Alberta Relativity and Gravitational Theory/DIfferential Gemetry 2015
Dinakar Muthiah University of Alberta Topological groups, Lie groups Manish Patnaik 2015
Johanna Hennig University of Alberta Nonassociative rings and algebras Arturo Pianzola 2015
Jaegil Kim University of Alberta Problems related to the duality in Convex Geometry, Geometric Tomography, and Functional Analysis Vladyslav Yaskin 2014
Juliette Bouhours University of Alberta PDE & Biology and other natural sciences Mark Lewis 2014
Stephen Scully Assistant professor of Mathematics, University of Victoria Field theory and polynomials; Algebraic geometry Nikita Karpenko 2014