University of Saskatchewan

The University of Saskatchewan PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Maclean Building) at the University of Saskatchewan (Map).

PIMS University of Saskatchewan
Scientific, Seminar
USask PIMS Geometry and Physics (GAP) Seminar: Casey Blacker
November 22, 2023
University of Saskatchewan
A symplectic Hamiltonian manifold consists of a Lie group action on a symplectic manifold, together with the additional structure of a moment map, which encodes the group action in terms of the assignment of Hamiltonian vector fields. In special...
Scientific, Seminar
USask PIMS Geometry and Physics (GAP) Seminar: Abid Ali
October 12, 2023
University of Saskatchewan
The question of integrality for semi-simple algebraic groups over the field of rational numbers was esablished by Chevalley in the 1950s as part of his work on associating affine group schemes with groups over integers. For infinite-dimensional Kac...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
USaskatchewan Second Annual Peter Scherk Lecture in Geometry
November 16, 2021
University of Saskatchewan
Abstract: The Jones polynomial of a knot, discovered in 1983, is a very subtle invariant that is related to a great deal of mathematics and physics. This talk will be an overview of quantum field theories in dimensions 2, 3, 4 and 5 that are...
Scientific, Seminar
USask PIMS Geometry and Physics (GAP) Seminar: Maggie Miller
October 13, 2022
University of Saskatchewan
In 1982, Livingston showed that several examples of Seifert surfaces that are not isotopic in the 3-sphere become isotopic when pushed into the 4-ball. This is consistent with a common intuition in topology: objects that are somehow similar should...
Scientific, Seminar
USask PIMS Geometry and Physics (GAP) Seminar: Aleksei Ilin
December 15, 2022
University of Saskatchewan
The main object of this talk is the family of commutative Bethe subaglebras in the Yangian. It is a natural family of commutative subalgebras of the Yangian parameterized by the simple adjoint Lie group. In my talk I will discuss how this family is...
Scientific, Conference
USaskatchewan-PIMS-CANSSI Prairies Data Science Boot Camp
June 8–17, 2023
University of Saskatchewan
The Data Science Bootcamp is primarily intended for graduate-level students with a research interest in data science, although the Bootcamp will also appeal to senior undergraduate students who have an interest in pursuing academic studies in this...
PIMS Bar Model Workshop: Melania Alvarez
March 8, 2012
University of Saskatchewan
The main purpose of this workshop is to show how the Bar Model method can be used not only as a problem solving technique, but also to develop in students a deeper understanding of fundamental concepts in mathematics.


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - University of Saskatchewan Steven Rayan +1 (306) 966-6090 McLean Hall 209
PIMS Education Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan Gary Au +1 (306) 966-6103 McLean Hall 239
Site Administrator - University of Saskatchewan Samantha Smith McLean Hall 142
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Seth Taylor PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing Ray Spiteri 2025
Wesley J.M. Ridgway PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan Ray Spiteri 2025
Konstantin P. Druzhkov PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan Applied mathematics & PDE Alexey Shevyakov 2024
Benjamin Anderson-Sackaney PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan Group Theory & Generalizations Ebrahim Samei 2023
Matthew Rupert PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan Associative Rings and Algebras Steven Rayan 2022
Puttipong Pongtanapaisan Postdoctoral Researcher Manifolds and Cell Complexes Chris Soteros 2021
Kazuki Ikeda University of Saskatchewan High Energy Physics, Mathematical Physics Steven Rayan 2020
Sebastian Dominguez SFU Numerical Analysis &High Performace Computing Raymond Spiteri 2020
Alessandro Malusà University of Saskatchewan Geometry Steven Rayan 2018
Varvara Shepelska University of Saskatchewan Functional Analysis Ebrahim Samei 2016
Xiangke Chang University of Saskatchewan Numerical Analysis Jacek Szmigielski 2015
Alexander Bihlo University of British Columbia Group analysis of differential and difference equations Alexei Shevyakov 2014
Nicholas Beaton University of Saskatchewan Combinatorics Chris Soteros 2014