University of Victoria

The University of Victoria PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Social Sciences and Mathematics building) at the University of Victoria (Map).

PIMS University of Victoria
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS- UVic Discrete Math Seminar: Kieka Mynhardt
February 16, 2023
University of Victoria
It is well known that a maximal planar graph of order at least 3 is 3-colourable if and only if it is Eulerian. It is also known that if a maximal planar graph of order at least 3 has exactly two vertices of odd degree, then these vertices are...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS- UVic Discrete Math Seminar: Jules Hoepner
November 17, 2022
University of Victoria
A broadcast on a connected graph G with vertex set V(G) is a function f:V(G) ➛ {0, 1, ..., diam(G)} such that f(v) ≤ e(v), where e(v) denotes the eccentricity of v. If f(v) > 0, the vertex v is said to broadcast at strength f(v). In generalizing...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS- UVic Discrete Math Seminar: Felix Clemen
October 27, 2022
University of Victoria
The first two problems are concerning edge-colorings of complete graphs. Erd\H{o}s and Tuza asked in 1993 whether for any graph F on l edges and any completely balanced coloring of any sufficiently large complete graph using l colors contains a...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS- UVic Discrete Math Seminar: Jiaxi Nie
November 24, 2022
University of Victoria
Given a finite simple graph $G$, an {\em odd cover of $G$} is a collection of complete bipartite graphs, or bicliques, in which each edge of $G$ appears in an odd number of bicliques and each non-edge of $G$ appears in an even number of bicliques. We...
Scientific, Conference
New Developments in Four Dimensions
June 13–17, 2022
For more information about this event, please see the conference website. This conference will bring together experts in various aspects of four-dimensional topology. Themes include diffeomorphism groups of four-manifolds, construction and detection...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS - UVic Distinguished Colloquium: Courtney Schumacher
March 17, 2022
Convective storms are highly intermittent and intense, making their occurrence and strength difficult to predict. This is especially true for climate models, which have grid resolutions much coarser (e.g., 100 km) than the scale of a storm’s...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS-UVictoria Distinguished Colloquium: Simon Bonner
March 17, 2022
Monitoring marked individuals is a common strategy in studies of wild animals (referred to as mark-recapture or capture-recapture experiments) and hard to track human populations (referred to as multi-list methods or multiple-systems estimation). A...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS- UVic Discrete Math Seminar:Bhargav Narayanan
January 28, 2022
Nati Linial raised the following basic problem in 2006: given a k-dimensional simplicial complex S, how many facets can a k-complex on n vertices have if it contains no topological copy of S? This is a beautiful and natural question, but results in...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - University of Victoria Anthony Quas (250) 472-4271
PIMS Education Coordinator, University of Victoria Jane Butterfield TDB-A445
Site Administrator - University of Victoria Kristina McKinnon +1 (250) 472-4271 DTB-A425
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Felix Christian Clemen PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Combinatorics Natasha Morrison 2024
Tianxia (Tylar) Jia PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Applied Mathematics, PDE & Meteorology Slim Ibrahim 2024
Kesav Krishnan PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes Gourab Ray 2023
Kristýna Zemková PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta/University of Victoria Linear and Multilinear Algebra Stefan Gille 2022
Kumar Roy PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Mathematical Physics Boualem Khouider 2022
Elizabeth Carlson PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Partial Differential Equations David Goluskin 2021
Natalie Behague PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Combinatorics Natasha Morrison 2021
Shangzhi Zeng Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Victoria Operations research, Mathematical Programming Jane J. Ye 2020
Jason Bramburger University of Victoria Dynamical systems and ergodic theory David Goluskin 2019
Boyi Li University of Victoria Operator Theory Marcelo Laca 2018
Hung Le University of Victoria Computer Science Valerie King 2018
Yakine Bahri University of Victoria Nonlinear PDEs Slim Ibrahim 2017
Diego Vela University of Victoria Topology Ryan Budney 2015
Elsa Maria Dos Santos Cardoso-Bihlo University of Victoria Fluid mechanics/Numerical Analysis Boualem Khouider 2015