University of Washington

The University of Washington PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics at (Padleford building) the University of Washington (Map).

University of Washington
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Bianca Viray
January 13, 2014
University of Washington
Let X be a connected smooth projective variety over Q. If X has a Q point, then X must have local points, i.e. points over the reals and over the p-adic completions Q_p. However, local solubility is often not sufficient. Manin showed that quadratic...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Neal Koblitz
March 7, 2014
University of Washington
I will describe some scary moments that have occurred in the history of elliptic curve cryptography almost from its inception; talk about some of the ironies of controversies in cryptography -- such as RSA's role as defender of strong encryption; and...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Dan Shumow
April 18, 2014
University of Washington
Cryptography is the mathematical science of keeping secrets and maintaining trust. Once an arcane study of primarily military significance, over the past several decades the advent of the internet has invigorated this science. There are now results...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Roman Bezrukavnikov
April 25, 2014
University of Washington
Representation theory of finite groups seeks to understand functions on the group known as irreducible characters. A group like GL(n,F_q), the group of invertible square matrices with entries in a finite field F_q, originates in algebraic geometry...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Dan Spielman
May 8, 2014
University of Washington
We introduce a notion of what it means for one graph to be a good spectral approximation of another, and prove that every graph can be well-approximated by a graph with few edges.We ask how well a given graph can be approximated by a sparse graph...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Shige Peng
May 19, 2014
University of Washington
A typical measure of risk in finance must take into account of the uncertainty of probability model itself (called Knightian uncertainty). Nonlinear expectation and the corresponding non-linear distributions provides a deep and powerful tool...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Gene Abrams
May 23, 2014
University of Washington
The rings studied by students in most first-year algebra courses turn out to have what's known as the "Invariant Basis Number" property: for every pair of positive integers m and n, if the free left R-modules RRm and RRn are isomorphic, then m = n...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Ravi Ramakrishna
June 6, 2014
University of Washington
In the last 30 years representations of (infinite) Galois groups have played an increasingly important role in number theory. Indeed, arithmetic objects such as the Diophantine equation y2=x3+x2+1 or xn+yn=zn often have attached Galois...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
Co-Director International Jayadev Athreya +1 (206) 616-2481 C-419, Padelford Hall
Site Administrator - University of Washington Michael Munz +1 (206) 543-0397
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Anastassiya Semenova PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Applied mathematics and nonlinear science Bernard Deconinck 2023
Daniel Kessler PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Daniela Witten 2023
Samuel Van Fleet PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Numerical Analysis and PDE Jingwei Hu 2023
Amrei Oswald Postdoctoral Researcher Non-commutative Algebra James Zhang 2022
Shiping Cao Postdoctoral Researcher Fractals Zhen-Qing Chen 2022
Xiaowen Zhu PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Mathematical Physics Alexis Drout 2022
Jesse Daniel Raffa University of Washington Statistics Elizabeth A. Thompson 2014
Nicholas W. Reichert University of Washington Partial Differential Equations Robin Graham 2014