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PIMS Chats with Neil Trudinger
September 11, 2013
Back to the Root Neil Trudinger is an Australian mathematician who during his undergraduate degree was trying to decide between math and physics. “I had a job in a BHP laboratory working with...
Math Mania success in Saskatchewan
August 28, 2013
Articles from both CBC News and the University of Saskatchewan College of Arts and Science highlight new Math Mania initiatives for Aboriginal students. U of S spreads love of math to First Nations...
Math Manias in Tahsis and Port Renfrew
August 1, 2013
Math Mania in TahsisAt the end of April 2013, a team of PIMS volunteers ventured to the remote community of Tahsis for a Math Mania event. The team of four – Melania Alvarez, Sachiko Noguchi and Laura...
CSI: Cedar Science Investigators
July 16, 2013
CSI: Cedar Science Investigators July 15, 2013 - by Heather Amos Forestry student Ashley Dobko hopes to unlock the secrets of B.C.’s past old growth trees. Photo: Don Erhardt, UBC Tree detectives...