Simon Fraser University
The Simon Fraser University PIMS site office is located in the Technology and Science Complex (TASC) 2 building on the Burnaby campus of Simon Fraser University (Map).

Scientific, Seminar
SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Gregg Knapp
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Katrina Honigs
The classical McKay correspondence shows that there is a bijection between irreducible representations of finite subgroups G G of S L ( 2 , C ) SL ( 2 , C ) and the exceptional divisors of the minimal resolution of the singularity C 2 / G C 2 / G...
Educational, Conference
Changing the Culture 2025
The annual Changing the Culture Conference, organized and sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, brings together mathematicians, mathematics educators and school teachers from all levels to work together towards narrowing...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Jen Berg
Varieties that fail to have rational points despite having local points for each prime are said to fail the Hasse principle. A systematic tool accounting for these failures uses the Brauer group to define an obstruction set known as the Brauer-Manin...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Rachel Pries
Despite extensive research, it is not known whether Oort's conjecture about the existence of supersingular curves is true or false. In the first part of the talk, I will describe supersingular curves and discuss the status of Oort's conjecture (both...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU MOCAD Seminar: Astrid Herremans
In function approximation, it is standard to assume the availability of an orthonormal basis for computations, ensuring that numerical errors are negligible. However, this assumption is often unmet in practice. For instance, multivariate...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-CORDS SFU Operations Research Seminar: Walaa Moursi
Primal-dual hybrid gradient (PDHG) is a first-order method for saddle-point problems and convex programming introduced by Chambolle and Pock. Recently, Applegate et al. analyzed the behavior of PDHG when applied to an infeasible or unbounded instance...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-CORDS SFU Operations Research Seminar: Jessica Stockdale
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Diana Mocanu
Wiles’ famous proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem pioneered the so-called modular method, in which modularity of elliptic curves is used to show that all integer solutions of Fermat’s equation are trivial. In this talk, we briefly sketch a variant of the...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU MOCAD Seminar: Robert John Baraldi
We introduce an inexact trust-region method for efficiently solving a class of problems in which the objective is the sum of a smooth, nonconvex function and nonsmooth, convex function. Such objectives are pervasive in the literature, with examples...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU MOCAD Seminar: Brendan Pass
I will discuss various joint works with Luca Nenna and PhD student Joshua Hiew. We show that entropically regularized optimal transport with discrete marginals and general cost functions can be characterized by a well-posed ordinary differential...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-CORDS SFU Operations Research Seminar: Jas Dhahan
Blood is a crucial life-saving product in healthcare systems. Red blood cells are perishable, and managing these stocks in British Columbia and other regions of Canada, with remote / rural hospitals is challenging. Demand must be satisfied without...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Julia Gordon
It is a well-known result of Harish-Chandra that most invariant distributions on real and p-adic reductive groups (e.g., Fourier transforms of orbital integrals, and characters of representations) are represented by locally integrable functions on...
Position | Name | Phone # | Office | |
PIMS Site Director - Simon Fraser University | Razvan Fetecau | | (778) 782-6655 | |
PIMS Education Coordinator, Simon Fraser University | Jamie Mulholland | | 778 782 7655 | SCK10541 |
Education Coordinator - Simon Fraser University | Joanna Niezen | | +1 (778) 782 4849 | SCK10502 |
PIMS SFU Site Administrator | Kenn Liu | | +1 (778) 782-6655 | Big Data Hub, Rm 10936 |
Name | Position | Research Interests | Supervisor | Year |
Peter McDonald | PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Algebra & Algebraic Geometry | Katrina Honigs | 2025 |
Tareq Uz Zaman | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Applied Mathmatics & PDE | Steven Ruuth | 2025 |
Lucas Villagra Torcomian | PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Number Theory & Algebraic Geometry | Imin Chen | 2024 |
Yanwen Luo | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Discrete &Computational Geometry | Bojan Mohar | 2023 |
Jane Shaw MacDonald | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Numerical Analysis | John Stockie | 2022 |
Amy Wiebe | Postdoctoral Researcher | Combinatorics | Tamon Stephen | 2021 |
Hansol Park | Postdoctoral Researcher | Partial Differential Equations | Razvan Fetecau | 2021 |
Eric Jones | SFU | Calculus of variations and optimal control | David Sivak | 2020 |
Marco Carmosino | Postdoctoral Researcher | Valentine Kabanets | 2019 | |
Shuxing Li | Simon Fraser University | Combinatorics | Jonathan Jedwab | 2019 |
Halyun Jeong | University of British Columbia | High Dimensional Data Analysis | Ben Adcock | 2018 |
Nick Dexter | Simon Fraser University | Numerical Analysis | Ben Adcock | 2018 |
Claire Boyer | Statistics | Ben Adcock | 2016 | |
Mattia Talpo | University of British Columbia | Algebraic Geometry | Nathan Ilten | 2016 |
Simone Brugiapaglia | Simon Fraser University | Stochastics | Ben Adcock | 2016 |
Fiachra John Knox | Simon Fraser University | Combinatorics | Bojan Mohar | 2015 |
Jens Bauch | Simon Fraser University | Number theory and algebraic geometry | Nils Bruin | 2015 |
Julien Courtial | Simon Fraser University | Combinatorics | Marni Mishna | 2014 |
Kui Yu | Simon Fraser University | Feature selection and probabilistic graphical models on high-dimensional data | Jian Pei | 2014 |
Peter Kling | Simon Fraser University | Computer Science and Combinatorics | Petra Berenbrink | 2014 |