Simon Fraser University

The Simon Fraser University PIMS site office is located in the Technology and Science Complex (TASC) 2 building on the Burnaby campus of Simon Fraser University (Map).

Simon Fraser University
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Discrete Math Seminar: Alexander Clow
September 26, 2023
Simon Fraser University
In this talk we consider the injective chromatic index and the oriented chromatic number of graphs with bounded Euler genus. In particular, we present our proofs of a tight (up to the choice of little o(1)) bound on the injective chromatic index in...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Discrete Math Seminar: Maxwell Levit
September 19, 2023
Simon Fraser University
In order to classify certain small generalized hexagons, Cohen and Tits proved that the d-dimensional hypercube has a unique 2-fold cover with no 4-cycles. I will discuss some reasons I find these covers interesting, including a close connection to...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Nils Bruin
September 28, 2023
Simon Fraser University
Decomposable abelian varieties, and particularly decomposable Jacobians, have a long history; mainly in the form of formulas to compute hyperelliptic integrals in terms of elliptic ones. The first case where one can have a decomposable Jacobian...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Applied & Computational Math Seminar Series: David Smith
September 29, 2023
Simon Fraser University
We describe a new form of diagonalization for linear two point constant coefficient differential operators with arbitrary linear boundary conditions. Although the diagonalization is in a weaker sense than that usually employed to solve initial...
Scientific, Seminar
CORDS SFU Operations Research Seminar: Zhaosong Lu
September 21, 2023
Simon Fraser University
Bilevel optimization has been widely used in a variety of areas such as adversarial training, hyperparameter tuning, image reconstruction meta-learning, neural architecture search, and reinforcement learning. In this talk, I will present first-order...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
Education Coordinator - Simon Fraser University Joanna Niezen +1 (778) 782 4849 SCK10502
PIMS SFU Site Administrator Kenn Liu +1 (778) 782-6655 Big Data Hub, Rm 10936
PIMS Site Director - Simon Fraser University Razvan Fetecau (778) 782-6655
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Yanwen Luo PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University Discrete &Computational Geometry Bojan Mohar 2023
Jane Shaw MacDonald PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University Numerical Analysis John Stockie 2022
Amy Wiebe Postdoctoral Researcher Combinatorics Tamon Stephen 2021
Hansol Park Postdoctoral Researcher Partial Differential Equations Razvan Fetecau 2021
Eric Jones SFU Calculus of variations and optimal control David Sivak 2020
Marco Carmosino Postdoctoral Researcher Valentine Kabanets 2019
Shuxing Li Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Jonathan Jedwab 2019
Halyun Jeong University of British Columbia High Dimensional Data Analysis Ben Adcock 2018
Nick Dexter Simon Fraser University Numerical Analysis Ben Adcock 2018
Claire Boyer Statistics Ben Adcock 2016
Mattia Talpo University of British Columbia Algebraic Geometry Nathan Ilten 2016
Simone Brugiapaglia Simon Fraser University Stochastics Ben Adcock 2016
Fiachra John Knox Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Bojan Mohar 2015
Jens Bauch Simon Fraser University Number theory and algebraic geometry Nils Bruin 2015
Julien Courtial Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Marni Mishna 2014
Kui Yu Simon Fraser University Feature selection and probabilistic graphical models on high-dimensional data Jian Pei 2014
Peter Kling Simon Fraser University Computer Science and Combinatorics Petra Berenbrink 2014