Simon Fraser University

The Simon Fraser University PIMS site office is located in the Technology and Science Complex (TASC) 2 building on the Burnaby campus of Simon Fraser University (Map).

Simon Fraser University
Educational, Conference
Changing the Culture 2023
May 19, 2023
Simon Fraser University
The annual Changing the Culture Conference, organized and sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, brings together mathematicians, mathematics educators and school teachers from all levels to work together towards narrowing...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Dsicrete Math Seminar Series: Curtis Bright
February 6, 2023
Simon Fraser University
I will describe a new approach for exhaustively generating combinatorial objects by combining a satisfiability (SAT) solver with an isomorph-free exhaustive generation method such as orderly generation. The SAT solver is able to limit the search to...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Discrete Math and OR Seminar: Dimitri Leemans
February 2, 2023
Simon Fraser University
Abstract polytopes are a combinatorial generalisation of classical objects that were already studied by the greeks. They consist in posets satisfying some extra axioms. Their rank is roughly speaking the number of layers the poset has. When they have...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Operations Research Seminar: Angela Morrison
February 16, 2023
There is a wealth of combinatorial algorithms for classical min-cost flow problems and their simpler variants like max flow or shortest-path problems. It is wellknown that several of these algorithms are intimately related to the Simplex method and...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Operations Research Seminars: Jing Lu
November 17, 2022
Simon Fraser University
Data science involves the collection, management, processing, analysis, visualisation and interpretation of huge amounts of data. It is a multi-disciplinary field that integrates systematic thinking, methodology, process and technology to develop...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Adam Topaz
November 10, 2022
Simon Fraser University
In December 2020, Peter Scholze proposed a challenge to formally verify a theorem he and Dustin Clausen proved about the real numbers in the context of condensed mathematics, saying it might be his "most important theorem to date." I was part of the...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Operations Research Seminars: Diego Cifuentes
November 10, 2022
Simon Fraser University
Given an affine space of matrices L and a matrix Θ ∈ L, consider the problem of computing the closest rank deficient matrix to Θ on L with respect to the Frobenius norm. This is a nonconvex problem with several applications in control theory...
Scientific, Seminar
SFU Discrete Math Seminar: Zhouningxin Wang
October 28, 2022
Simon Fraser University
In this talk, we consider analogs of Jaeger's circular flow conjecture and its dual Jaeger-Zhang conjecture in signed graphs. We will first give the notions of circular coloring and circular flow in signed graphs, and then show that every (6k-2)-edge...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - Simon Fraser University Razvan Fetecau (778) 782-6655
PIMS Education Coordinator, Simon Fraser University Jamie Mulholland 778 782 7655 SCK10541
PIMS SFU Site Administrator Kenn Liu +1 (778) 782-6655 Big Data Hub, Rm 10936
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Tareq Uz Zaman PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University Applied Mathmatics & PDE Steven Ruuth 2025
Lucas Villagra Torcomian PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University Number Theory & Algebraic Geometry Imin Chen 2024
Yanwen Luo PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University Discrete &Computational Geometry Bojan Mohar 2023
Jane Shaw MacDonald PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University Numerical Analysis John Stockie 2022
Amy Wiebe Postdoctoral Researcher Combinatorics Tamon Stephen 2021
Hansol Park Postdoctoral Researcher Partial Differential Equations Razvan Fetecau 2021
Eric Jones SFU Calculus of variations and optimal control David Sivak 2020
Marco Carmosino Postdoctoral Researcher Valentine Kabanets 2019
Shuxing Li Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Jonathan Jedwab 2019
Halyun Jeong University of British Columbia High Dimensional Data Analysis Ben Adcock 2018
Nick Dexter Simon Fraser University Numerical Analysis Ben Adcock 2018
Claire Boyer Statistics Ben Adcock 2016
Mattia Talpo University of British Columbia Algebraic Geometry Nathan Ilten 2016
Simone Brugiapaglia Simon Fraser University Stochastics Ben Adcock 2016
Fiachra John Knox Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Bojan Mohar 2015
Jens Bauch Simon Fraser University Number theory and algebraic geometry Nils Bruin 2015
Julien Courtial Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Marni Mishna 2014
Kui Yu Simon Fraser University Feature selection and probabilistic graphical models on high-dimensional data Jian Pei 2014
Peter Kling Simon Fraser University Computer Science and Combinatorics Petra Berenbrink 2014