University of Calgary

The University of Calgary PIMS site office is located in the Mathematical Sciences Building at the University of Calgary (Map | Contact).

University of Calgary
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
The Calgary Mathematics & Philosophy Lectures: Emily Grosholz
March 16, 2017
University of Calgary
How does mathematical knowledge grow? According to an influential formulation due to philosopher Ernest Nagel, when a scientific theory "reduces" another, the reduced theory is deductively subsumed under the reducing theory: thus for example...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS 20th Anniversary Celebration at the University of Calgary
April 7, 2017
University of Calgary
In this talk I will explain basic ideas concerning fractional Laplacians (in particular, their relation with Lévy flights in Probability) and I will present the essential tools to treat nonlinear equations involving fractional Laplacians and other...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS- UCalgary Public Lecture: Timur Akhunov
March 8, 2017
University of Calgary
Pierre-Simon marquis de Laplace in his 5 volume Traité de mécanique céleste unified mathematical physics by placing calculus front and center. Among Laplace's chief innovations, was an introduction of a differential equation that now bears his name...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
Machine Learning for Electronic Design Automation
May 9, 2017
University of Calgary
Machine learning is a powerful computer science technique that can derive knowledge from big data and make predictions/decisions. Since nanometer VLSI design and manufacturing have extremely high complexity and gigantic data, there is great...
Scientific, Conference
University of Calgary 2019 Sonia Kovalevsky Day (SK Day)
March 2, 2019
University of Calgary
The University of Calgary 2019 Sonia Kovalevsky Day will focus on answering the question where is math in the world, interdisciplinary mathematics, and communicating math. The students will start their day by collaboratively brainstorming about where...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
Calgary Mathematics & Philosophy Lecture: Paolo Mancosu
December 5, 2018
University of Calgary
A video of this event is available on In this talk, I will give a survey of recent work I have done—some published, some unpublished—on the historical, mathematical, and philosophical problems related to the assignment of "sizes" to...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
Summation Formulas and Beyond Endoscopy
May 14, 2019
University of Calgary
In this talk, I will outline the basic ideas in Langlands’ Beyond Endoscopy proposal, and the role of summation formulas and the nontempered automorphic spectrum. I will discuss the various approaches of Frenkel-Langlands-Ngô, Altug, and Ngô to the...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
University of Calgary, Education Coordinator Armando Preciado Babb +1 (403) 220-5277 Education Tower 834
Co-Director Industrial Kristine Bauer +1 (403) 220-7675 MS 578
PIMS UCalgary Site Administrator Melissa Wrubleski (403) 220-5210 Mathematical Sciences 476
PIMS Site Director - University of Calgary Wenyuan Liao +1 (403) 220-3946 Mathematical Sciences 530
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Gregory Knapp PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary Number Theory Khoa Dang Nguyen 2023
Cintia Pacchiano PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary Partial Differential Equations Cristian Rios 2022
Jordan Culp University of Calgary Cell Biology & Anatomy Wilten Nicola 2021
Thomas Theurer University of Calgary Quantum Theory Gilad Gour 2021
Kexue Zhang Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Calgary Systems theory, control Elena Braverman 2020
Sacha Ikonicoff University of Calgary Algebraic operads Kristine Bauer 2020
Hui Huang University of Calgary Partial differential equations Jianniao Qiu 2019
Qing Zhang University of Calgary Number Theory Clifton Cunningham 2018
Aurore Guillevic University of Calgary Discrete logarithm computation in large characteristic finite fields Michael J. Jacobson Jr 2015
Dániel Tamás Soukup University of Calgary Mathematical logic and foundations, combinatorics Claude Laflamme 2015
Ha Nguyen Thanh Tran University of Calgary Number Theory Renate Scheidler 2015
Hoan Bui Dang University of Calgary Quantum Theory Gilad Gour 2015
Khoa Lê University of Calgary Stochastics Deniz Sezer 2015
Bin Xu University of Calgary Number theory, Topological groups, Lie groups Clifton Cunningham 2014