University of Manitoba

The University of Mantioba PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics in Machray Hall at the University of Mantioba (Map).

University of Manitoba
Scientific, Conference
46th Canadian Operator Symposium
June 4–8, 2018
University of Manitoba
The 46th edition of the Canadian Operator Symposium (COSy) will take place at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, and we invite the participation of mathematicians working in operator algebras, operator theory and related fields. The meeting will...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS - UManitoba Distinguished Lecture: Robert Serfling
September 28, 2017
University of Manitoba
Depth functions were developed to extend the univariate notions of median, quantiles, ranks, signs, and order statistics to the setting of multivariate data. Whereas a probability density function measures local probability weight, a depth function...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Irene Sciriha
February 24, 2023
University of Manitoba
Non--isomorphic graphs with isomorphic canonical double cover (CDC) have the same number of walks of arbitrary length from corresponding vertices of the same degree. The total number of walks, for a specific length, depends only on the main...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Mahsa Shirazi
February 10, 2023
University of Manitoba
An interesting question in spectral graph theory is about the structure of the eigenvectors of matrices associated with graphs. A graph is weakly Hadamard diagonalizable (WHD) if its Laplacian matrix L can be diagonalized with a weakly Hadamard...
Scientific, Seminar
The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar: Mahsa N Shirazi
February 8, 2023
University of Manitoba
For r ≥ 1, a graph has r-friendship property if every pair of vertices has exactly r common neighbours. The motivation for this definition is from the friendship theorem, which is on the graphs with 1-friendship property. The friendship theorem...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Jane Breen
November 4, 2022
Kemeny's constant is an interesting and useful quantifier of how well-connected the states of a Markov chain are. Though it was first introduced in the 1960s, interest in this concept has recently exploded. This talk will provide an introduction to...
Scientific, Seminar
Quantum State Transfer on Graphs
January 13, 2022
Quantum computing is believed to provide many advantages over traditional computing, particularly considering the speed at which computations can be performed. One of the challenges that needs to be resolved in order to construct a quantum computer...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
Site Administrator, University of Manitoba Alison Skopalek
PIMS Education Coordinator, University of Manitoba Darja Barr +1 (204) 272-1609
PIMS Site Director - University of Manitoba Stephanie Portet + 1 (204) 474 6933 428 Machray Hall
Name Original Location In Out
Rustum Choksi McGill University
31 March 2022
10 April 2022
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
John Jairo Lopez Santander PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Richard Mikael Slevinsky 2025
Emanuela Marangone PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Commutative Algebra, Combinatorics, and Algebraic Geometry Susan Cooper 2024
Jeet Sampat PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Operator Theory & Analytic Function Theory Robert Martin 2024
Poornendu Kumar PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Operator Theory Raphaël Clouâtre 2023
Andrii Arman PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Combinatorics Andriy Prymak 2022
Mahsa N Shirazi PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Combinatorics Karen Gunderson 2022
Josh Males University of Manitoba Number Theory Siddarth Sankaran 2021
Meredith Sargent University of Manitoba Functional Analysis Robert T. Martin 2021
Youngmin Park Postdoctoral Researcher Ordinary Differential Equations Stephanie Portet 2021
Christopher van Bommel University of Manitoba Combinatorics Stephen Kirkland 2020
Isam M.A. Al-Darabsah Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba Differential equations, operational calculus Kang-Ling Liao 2020
Peter Kristel University of Manitoba Geometry Derek Krepski 2020
Edward Timko Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba Operator theory Raphaël Clouâtre 2019
Fei Qi Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba Category theory homological algebra Eric Schippers 2019
Sam Cole University of Manitoba Algebra Stephen Kirkland 2018
Sergio DaSilva University of Manitoba Algebraic Geometry Susan Cooper 2018
Seth Wolbert University of Manitoba Differential Geometry Derek Krepski 2018
Jennifer Jaye Vaughan University of Manitoba Differential Geometry Derek Krepski 2016
Ling Xue University of Manitoba Biology/Differential Equations Julien Arino 2016