University of Manitoba
The University of Mantioba PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics in Machray Hall at the University of Mantioba (Map).

Scientific, Conference
Operator Analysis on Function Spaces
About the Conference: The dynamic interplay between functional analysis and operator theory has given rise to numerous new sub-fields of analysis, collectively forming an emerging area we like to call "operator analysis on function spaces". While...
Scientific, Summer School
3MC-PIMS-IDMS-ICMS Summer School on Quantitative Molecular and Cellular Biology
Canadian application deadline - March 1, 2025 [Revised] International application deadline - October 15, 2024 [Closed] Applications from graduate students & postdoctoral fellows at Canadian Institutions has reopened and are now being accepted for the...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS/UManitoba Distinguished Colloquium: Steven Rayan
We are in the midst of an exciting revolution in quantum science and technology, comparable in ways to the first one that occurred about 100 years ago. One of the most tantalizing and potentially disruptive innovations to emerge from this second...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Polona Oblak
The spectral properties of matrices with prescribed patterns have received significant attention in recent research. This talk examines symmetric matrices that share the off-diagonal zero-nonzero pattern with the adjacency matrix of a given graph...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Sebastian Cioaba
It is known that non-isomorphic strongly regular graphs with the same parameters must be cospectral (have the same eigenvalues). We investigate whether the spectra of higher order Laplacians associated with these graphs can distinguish them. In this...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Edinah Gnang
There has been extensive study of diagonalization of matrices. Diagonalization can be viewed as using a similarity transform to concentrate the magnitude of all entries within as small a subset of entries as possible. We motivate and present results...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS Emergent Research Seminar: Emanuela Marangone
In this talk, we will introduce the Weak and the Strong Lefschetz Properties (WLP and SLP) focusing on Artinian complete intersections. A famous result of Stanley shows that every Artinian monomial complete intersection over a field of characteristic...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Carla Oliveira
Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph of order n. The adjacency matrix of G is denoted by A(G) = [a_ij], where a_ij=1 if {v_i ,v_j} ∈ E and a_ij=0, otherwise. The diagonal matrix of degrees of G, D(G) = [d_ij], is defined by d_ii=d(v_i), and d_ij=0, ∀ i...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Shaun Fallat
Let us ask: What is a "strong" matrix property and why is such a property useful for studying eigenvalues of graphs? During this talk we will attempt to address both questions above by first wandering through some of the developed strong matrix...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Xiaohong Zhang
Let M be a Hermitian matrix associated to a graph X on n vertices. For any time t \geq 0, the transition matrix of the continuous quantum walk on X relative to M at time t is given by U(t)=exp(itM). For two vertices a and b of X, if there is some...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Kevin Vander Meulen
The signs of the entries of a real matrix can give insight into the eigenvalues of the matrix. A well-known example is the Perron Frobenius theorem for matrices that have no negative entries. As an inverse eigenvalue problem, one can ask for the...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS Emergent Research Seminar: Jeet Sampat
For a fixed $d \in \mathbb{N}$, the non-commutative (nc) universe $\mathbb{M}^d$ is defined as the graded (disjoint) union of $d$-tuples of $n \times n$ (complex) matrices over $n \in \mathbb{N}$. A function $f : \mathbb{M}^d \to \mathbb{M}^1$ is...
Position | Name | Phone # | Office | |
Site Administrator, University of Manitoba | Alison Skopalek | | ||
PIMS Education Coordinator, University of Manitoba | Darja Barr | | +1 (204) 272-1609 | |
PIMS Site Director - University of Manitoba | Stephanie Portet | | + 1 (204) 474 6933 | 428 Machray Hall |
Name | Original Location | In | Out |
Rustum Choksi | McGill University |
Name | Position | Research Interests | Supervisor | Year |
John Jairo Lopez Santander | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba | Richard Mikael Slevinsky | 2025 | |
Emanuela Marangone | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba | Commutative Algebra, Combinatorics, and Algebraic Geometry | Susan Cooper | 2024 |
Jeet Sampat | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba | Operator Theory & Analytic Function Theory | Robert Martin | 2024 |
Poornendu Kumar | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba | Operator Theory | Raphaël Clouâtre | 2023 |
Andrii Arman | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba | Combinatorics | Andriy Prymak | 2022 |
Mahsa N Shirazi | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba | Combinatorics | Karen Gunderson | 2022 |
Josh Males | University of Manitoba | Number Theory | Siddarth Sankaran | 2021 |
Meredith Sargent | University of Manitoba | Functional Analysis | Robert T. Martin | 2021 |
Youngmin Park | Postdoctoral Researcher | Ordinary Differential Equations | Stephanie Portet | 2021 |
Christopher van Bommel | University of Manitoba | Combinatorics | Stephen Kirkland | 2020 |
Isam M.A. Al-Darabsah | Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba | Differential equations, operational calculus | Kang-Ling Liao | 2020 |
Peter Kristel | University of Manitoba | Geometry | Derek Krepski | 2020 |
Edward Timko | Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba | Operator theory | Raphaël Clouâtre | 2019 |
Fei Qi | Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba | Category theory homological algebra | Eric Schippers | 2019 |
Sam Cole | University of Manitoba | Algebra | Stephen Kirkland | 2018 |
Sergio DaSilva | University of Manitoba | Algebraic Geometry | Susan Cooper | 2018 |
Seth Wolbert | University of Manitoba | Differential Geometry | Derek Krepski | 2018 |
Jennifer Jaye Vaughan | University of Manitoba | Differential Geometry | Derek Krepski | 2016 |
Ling Xue | University of Manitoba | Biology/Differential Equations | Julien Arino | 2016 |