University of Manitoba

The University of Mantioba PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics in Machray Hall at the University of Mantioba (Map).

University of Manitoba
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Aida Abiad
May 5, 2023
University of Manitoba
In this talk I will present several eigenvalue bounds on the independence number and the distance chromatic number of graph powers. We will see how to use polynomials and mixed-integer linear programming in order to optimize such bounds. Some...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Sukanta Pati
May 19, 2023
University of Manitoba
Let G be a connected simple graph and L be its Laplacian matrix. Let v be a cut vertex and B be a branch at v. Assume that v_1 is the only vertex in B adjacent to v. Let P be a path that starts at v_1 and stays inside B. It is shown that the...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Christino Tamon
March 24, 2023
University of Manitoba
Suppose Alice can send a quantum message to Bob in a quantum system modeled as a finite graph. But, imagine there is an eavesdropper which can attach an infinite-dimensional quantum system to the finite graph used by Alice and Bob. Can Alice still...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Jephian Lin
December 9, 2022
University of Manitoba
We often encounter matrices whose pattern (zero-nonzero, or sign) is known while the precise value of each entry is not clear. Thus, a natural question is what we can say about the spectral property of matrices of a given pattern. When the matrix is...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Pauline van den Driessche
October 7, 2022
University of Manitoba
Biological systems often give rise to systems of first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Linearization then yields a system x' = Ax, where A is the community matrix. By contrast, mechanical systems often give rise to a second order ODE...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar Series: RB Bapat
September 23, 2022
University of Manitoba
We first review some known results about resistance matrix of an undirected graph. We then define resistance distance in a strongly connected, directed graph. When the graph is balanced, that is, the indegree and the outdegree of any vertex are the...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Rajesh Kannan
March 10, 2023
University of Manitoba
The eccentricity matrix ε(G) of a connected graph G is obtained from the distance matrix of G by keeping the largest nonzero entries in each row and each column, and leaving zeros in the remaining ones. The eigenvalues of ε(G) are the ε-eigenvalues...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Thomás Jung Spier
October 6, 2023
University of Manitoba
The adjacency matrix A of a graph G is the Hamiltonian for a continuous-time quantum walk on the vertices of G. If u and v are distinct vertices in G, we say perfect state transfer from u to v occurs if there is a time t such that the (u,v)-entry of...
Scientific, Seminar
05C50 Online Seminar: Sasmita Barik
September 22, 2023
University of Manitoba
Let G be a simple connected graph and A(G) be its adjacency matrix. A nonsingular graph G is said to have the reciprocal eigenvalue property if the reciprocal of each eigenvalue of G is also an eigenvalue. Furthermore, if each eigenvalue of G and its...
Educational, Workshop
Math Academy
August 15–19, 2016
University of Manitoba
Math Academy for incoming Indigenous Nursing Students. We will be working on basic skills to get them ready for their math course which starts in September.


Position Name Email Phone # Office
Site Administrator, University of Manitoba Alison Skopalek
PIMS Education Coordinator, University of Manitoba Darja Barr +1 (204) 272-1609
PIMS Site Director - University of Manitoba Stephanie Portet + 1 (204) 474 6933 428 Machray Hall
Name Original Location In Out
Rustum Choksi McGill University
31 March 2022
10 April 2022
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
John Jairo Lopez Santander PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Richard Mikael Slevinsky 2025
Emanuela Marangone PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Commutative Algebra, Combinatorics, and Algebraic Geometry Susan Cooper 2024
Jeet Sampat PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Operator Theory & Analytic Function Theory Robert Martin 2024
Poornendu Kumar PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Operator Theory Raphaël Clouâtre 2023
Andrii Arman PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Combinatorics Andriy Prymak 2022
Mahsa N Shirazi PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba Combinatorics Karen Gunderson 2022
Josh Males University of Manitoba Number Theory Siddarth Sankaran 2021
Meredith Sargent University of Manitoba Functional Analysis Robert T. Martin 2021
Youngmin Park Postdoctoral Researcher Ordinary Differential Equations Stephanie Portet 2021
Christopher van Bommel University of Manitoba Combinatorics Stephen Kirkland 2020
Isam M.A. Al-Darabsah Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba Differential equations, operational calculus Kang-Ling Liao 2020
Peter Kristel University of Manitoba Geometry Derek Krepski 2020
Edward Timko Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba Operator theory Raphaël Clouâtre 2019
Fei Qi Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manitoba Category theory homological algebra Eric Schippers 2019
Sam Cole University of Manitoba Algebra Stephen Kirkland 2018
Sergio DaSilva University of Manitoba Algebraic Geometry Susan Cooper 2018
Seth Wolbert University of Manitoba Differential Geometry Derek Krepski 2018
Jennifer Jaye Vaughan University of Manitoba Differential Geometry Derek Krepski 2016
Ling Xue University of Manitoba Biology/Differential Equations Julien Arino 2016