University of Regina

The University of Regina PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina (Map).

URegina College Campus
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology Seminar: Martin Frankland
March 28, 2023
University of Regina
The classification of 2-dimensional TQFTs was obtained by cutting up surfaces into disks, cylinders, and pairs of pants. In higher dimension, such a decomposition of n-manifolds is not available. We need to cut up manifolds not only along codimension...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology Seminar: Manak Singh
March 21, 2023
University of Regina
Topological K-theory is an assignment of algebraic data to a topological space. It is a homotopy invariant and satisfies the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for a generalized cohomology theory. In this talk I give a rapid introduction to vector bundles...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology Seminar: Matthew Alexander
March 7, 2023
University of Regina
When the same topic appears in both mathematics and physics, there are often stark differences between how that topic is conceptualized and studied in each discipline. In this talk we will examine what it means to a physicist for a field theory to be...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology Seminar: Allen Herman
February 28, 2023
University of Regina
In Arnaud's talk, we saw that the 2-dimensional TQFT category is equivalent to the category of commutative Frobenius algebras with isomorphisms. In this sequel to Arnaud's talk, we take a closer look at Frobenius algebras. We will explore their...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
Prairie Mathematics Colloquium: Michael Kozdron
March 9, 2023
University of Regina
It is well-known in quantum information theory that a positive operator valued measure (POVM) is the most general kind of quantum measurement. A quantum probability is a normalised POVM, namely a function on certain subsets of a (locally compact and...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Martin Frankland
September 27, 2023
University of Regina
In Allen's talk, we learned that the deformations of an algebra A can be classified by certain Hochschild cohomology classes. In this talk, we will see that the Hochschild cochains of A can be endowed with a differential graded (DG) Lie algebra...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Allen Herman
September 20, 2023
University of Regina
If A is an algebra over a field k, and R is an augmented commutative k-algebra, then an R-deformation of A is (intuitively) an R-algebra B whose underlying k-algebra structure is isomorphic to that of A. Two R-deformations of A are considered...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Francis Bischoff
September 13, 2023
University of Regina
The fundamental principle of derived deformation theory is that a formal “space” (i.e. a formal moduli problem) can be encoded by a differential graded Lie algebra. The plan for our learning seminar this term will be to unpack and understand this...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina-PIMS Distinguished Lecture: Jacob Tsimerman
September 22, 2023
University of Regina
Periods are integrals of differential forms, and their study spans many branches of mathematics, including diophantine geometry, differential algebra, and algebraic geometry. If one restricts their attention to periods arising over OQ, then the...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
URegina-PIMS Distinguished Lecture: Jiguo Cao
September 15, 2023
University of Regina
Functional data analysis (FDA) is a growing statistical field for analyzing curves, images, or any multidimensional functions, in which each random function is treated as a sample element. Functional data is found commonly in many applications such...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - University of Regina Allen Herman +1 (306) 585-4487 College West 307.18
Site Administrator, University of Regina Connie Renwick (306) 337-3122
Education Coordinator - University of Regina Patrick Maidorn +1 (306) 585-4013 College West 307.3
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil PIMS-CNRS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Combinatorics Karen Meagher 2024
Samir Mondal PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Linear Algebra, Matrix Theory & Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2024
Himanshu Gupta PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2023
Prateek Vishwakarma PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Matrix Theory Shaun Fallat 2021
Venkata Raghu Tej Pantangi Postdoctoral Researcher Group Theory and Generalizations Karen Meagher 2021
Seyed Ahmad Mojallal Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Regina Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2020
Tseleung So University of Regina Algebraic topology Donald Stanley 2019
Ferdinand Ihringer University of Regina Combinatorics Karen Meagher 2016
Asghar Ghorbanpour University of Regina Geometry 2015
Paul Arnaud Songhafouo Tsopmene University of Regina 2015