University of Regina

The University of Regina PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina (Map).

URegina College Campus
Scientific, Seminar
A Graph of Matrices
October 2, 2009
University of Regina
Free probability is a variation of probability theory for matrix valued random variables. It has many aspects: combinatorial, analytic, theoretical, and applied. I will discuss a problem on a graph of matrices arising from a random matrix problem in...
Scientific, Seminar
Game-theoretic Probability and its Applications
May 26, 2010
University of Regina
The game-theoretic framework, introduced by Vovk and myself in 2001 (, uses game theory instead of measure theory as a mathematical framework for probability. Classical theorems are proven by betting strategies that...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - University of Regina Allen Herman +1 (306) 585-4487 College West 307.18
Site Administrator, University of Regina Connie Renwick (306) 337-3122
Education Coordinator - University of Regina Patrick Maidorn +1 (306) 585-4013 College West 307.3
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Himanshu Gupta PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2023
Prateek Vishwakarma PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Matrix Theory Shaun Fallat 2021
Venkata Raghu Tej Pantangi Postdoctoral Researcher Group Theory and Generalizations Karen Meagher 2021
Seyed Ahmad Mojallal Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Regina Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2020
Tseleung So University of Regina Algebraic topology Donald Stanley 2019
Ferdinand Ihringer University of Regina Combinatorics Karen Meagher 2016
Asghar Ghorbanpour University of Regina Geometry 2015
Paul Arnaud Songhafouo Tsopmene University of Regina 2015