University of Saskatchewan
The University of Saskatchewan PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Maclean Building) at the University of Saskatchewan (Map).

Scientific, Colloquia
USask Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium: Habiba Kadiri
This talk will first provide a (non-exhaustive) survey of explicit results on zero-free regions and zero densities of the Riemann zeta function and their relationship to error terms in the prime number theorem. This will be extended to Dirichlet L...
Scientific, Colloquia
USask Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium: Anotida Madzvamuse
Live Stream: Details/Abstract: In this talk, I will present a new mathematical formalism of a coupled system of bulk-surface partial differential equations (semilinear...
Scientific, Colloquia
USaskatchewan Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium: Lauren DeDieu
How can we convince non-math majors that vector spaces are cool? How can we design activities that lead to heated debate and audible gasps in our calculus classrooms? When students are curious, they learn better. But helping students see value in an...
Scientific, Colloquia
USaskatchewan Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium: John Baez
Mathematical models of human interactions are important and widely used in epidemiology and many other fields, but building and working with these models at scale is challenging. I will explain two software tools for doing this, both based on...
Scientific, Workshop
2024 CMS Summer Meeting Mini-Courses: Applied Topology: Persistent Homology
Persistent Homology is an application of algebraic topology (filtered chain complexes) to statistics. Roughly speaking, one naturally associates filtered chain complexes to data in a variety of ways. Persistent homology is the structure of how the...
Scientific, Workshop
2024 CMS Summer Meeting Mini-Courses: Applied Topology: DNA Topology
DNA topology is the study of the geometry (supercoiling) and topology (knotting and linking) of DNA. Knots and links in DNA are known to obstruct normal cellular processes and geometric factors such as the amount of writhe or supercoiling are known...
Industrial, Summer School
Math2PowerQuantum: Quantum Computing Summer School
The Math2Power Quantum summer school on quantum computing will be held across 2 days (May 29 and 30) in the lead up to the CMS Summer Meeting and is aimed at helping students in the mathematical sciences learn - through a combination of lectures and...
Scientific, Workshop
International Workshop on Hyperordered Structures and Quantum Materials
The International Workshop on Hyperordered Structures and Quantum Materials will be held for four days in western Canada in order to exchange ideas between researchers in the fields on both sides of the Pacific. The event will bring together...
Scientific, Seminar
USask PIMS Geometry and Physics (GAP) Seminar: Julius Grimminger
I will aim to give a pedagogical introduction to 3d Coulomb branches of quiver gauge theories, which are certain holomorphic symplectic varieties with symplectic singularities. After briefly explaining why I care about such spaces as a physicist, I...
Scientific, Seminar
USask PIMS Geometry and Physics (GAP) Seminar: Antoine Bourget
Over the past 5 years, the stratification of 3d Coulomb branches into symplectic leaves has been the subject of intense work in the physics community. Mathematically, this corresponds to understanding the nested singularity structure of conical...
Scientific, Seminar
USask PIMS Geometry and Physics (GAP) Seminar: Yuly Billig
AV-modules are representations of Lie algebra V of vector fields that admit a compatible action of the commutative algebra A of functions. This notion is a natural generalization of D-modules. In this talk we shall start by reviewing the theory of AV...
Position | Name | Phone # | Office | |
PIMS Site Director - University of Saskatchewan | Steven Rayan | | +1 (306) 966-6090 | McLean Hall 209 |
PIMS Education Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan | Gary Au | | +1 (306) 966-6103 | McLean Hall 239 |
Site Administrator - University of Saskatchewan | Samantha Smith | | McLean Hall 142 |
Name | Position | Research Interests | Supervisor | Year |
Seth Taylor | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan | Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing | Ray Spiteri | 2025 |
Wesley J.M. Ridgway | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan | Ray Spiteri | 2025 | |
Konstantin P. Druzhkov | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan | Applied mathematics & PDE | Alexey Shevyakov | 2024 |
Benjamin Anderson-Sackaney | PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan | Group Theory & Generalizations | Ebrahim Samei | 2023 |
Matthew Rupert | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan | Associative Rings and Algebras | Steven Rayan | 2022 |
Puttipong Pongtanapaisan | Postdoctoral Researcher | Manifolds and Cell Complexes | Chris Soteros | 2021 |
Kazuki Ikeda | University of Saskatchewan | High Energy Physics, Mathematical Physics | Steven Rayan | 2020 |
Sebastian Dominguez | SFU | Numerical Analysis &High Performace Computing | Raymond Spiteri | 2020 |
Alessandro Malusà | University of Saskatchewan | Geometry | Steven Rayan | 2018 |
Varvara Shepelska | University of Saskatchewan | Functional Analysis | Ebrahim Samei | 2016 |
Xiangke Chang | University of Saskatchewan | Numerical Analysis | Jacek Szmigielski | 2015 |
Alexander Bihlo | University of British Columbia | Group analysis of differential and difference equations | Alexei Shevyakov | 2014 |
Nicholas Beaton | University of Saskatchewan | Combinatorics | Chris Soteros | 2014 |