University of Washington

The University of Washington PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics at (Padleford building) the University of Washington (Map).

University of Washington
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: June Huh
April 22, 2016
University of Washington
A conjecture of Read predicts that the coefficients of the chromatic polynomial of a graph form a log-concave sequence for any graph. A related conjecture of Welsh predicts that the number of linearly independent subsets of varying sizes form a log...
Scientific, Seminar
Abelian Varieties Multi-Site Seminar Series: Drew Sutherland
January 12, 2016
University of Washington
Let A be an abelian variety of dimension g over a number field K. The Sato-Tate group ST(A) is a compact subgroup of the unitary symplectic group USp(2g) that can be defined in terms of the l-adic Galois representation associated to A. Under the...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Ivan Corwin
October 16, 2015
University of Washington
In a simple symmetric random walk on Z a particle jumps left or right with 50% chance independently at each time and space location. What if the jump probabilities are taken to be random themselves (e.g. uniformly distributed between 0% and 100%)? In...
Scientific, Seminar
Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar
October 17–18, 2015
University of Washington
The Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar (PNGS) is a regional meeting for geometers of all kinds. It is held every fall and spring, and every other winter, rotating among the following participating institutions: Oregon State University Portland State...
Scientific, Seminar
Abelian Varieties Multi-Site Seminar Series: Bianca Viray
November 12, 2015
University of Washington
Igusa class polynomials are the genus 2 analogue of Hilbert class polynomials; their roots are invariants of genus 2 curves that have complex multiplication by a fixed order. The coefficients of Igusa class polynomials are rational, but, unlike in...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Brian Conrad
February 12, 2016
University of Washington
The ABC Conjecture, formulated in the mid-1980's by Oesterlé and Masser, is one of the most important conjectures in number theory. It has many deep consequences, but its basic formulation can be given in entirely elementary terms. In September 2012...
Scientific, Seminar
CORE Seminar: Katya Scheinberg
March 8, 2016
University of Washington
Derivative free optimization (DFO) is the field that addresses optimization of black-box functions – that is functions whose value can be computed (possibly approximately) but whose derivatives cannot be approximated directly. The applications of DFO...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Katherine E. Stange
April 1, 2016
University of Washington
I will begin with the familiar Farey sequences: the subdivisions of the real line obtained by recursively taking the mediant (a+c)/(b+d) of fractions a/b and c/d. I will take this starting point as an excuse for an ecclectic tour which may include...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Dusa McDuff
March 4, 2016
University of Washington
A symplectic structure is a kind of geometric structure that can be put on an even dimensional space. It generalizes the notion of an area form in two dimensions in such a way that many of the special dynamical features of area preserving geometry...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director, University of Washington Jayadev Athreya +1 (206) 616-2481 C-419, Padelford Hall
Site Administrator - University of Washington Michael Munz +1 (206) 543-0397
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Pawel Morzywolek PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Alex Luedtke 2024
Anastassiya Semenova PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Applied mathematics and nonlinear science Bernard Deconinck 2023
Daniel Kessler PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Daniela Witten 2023
Samuel Van Fleet PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Numerical Analysis and PDE Jingwei Hu 2023
Amrei Oswald Postdoctoral Researcher Non-commutative Algebra James Zhang 2022
Shiping Cao Postdoctoral Researcher Fractals Zhen-Qing Chen 2022
Xiaowen Zhu PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Mathematical Physics Alexis Drout 2022
Jesse Daniel Raffa University of Washington Statistics Elizabeth A. Thompson 2014
Nicholas W. Reichert University of Washington Partial Differential Equations Robin Graham 2014