University of Washington

The University of Washington PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics at (Padleford building) the University of Washington (Map).

University of Washington
Industrial, Summer School
Summer School on Seismic Imaging
August 10–14, 2009
University of Washington
The workshop will consist of several minicourses addressing a broad range of theoretical and practical issues arising in seismic imaging including the use of curvelets and other frames in seismic imaging, compressed sensing applied to seismic imaging...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: June Huh
April 22, 2016
University of Washington
A conjecture of Read predicts that the coefficients of the chromatic polynomial of a graph form a log-concave sequence for any graph. A related conjecture of Welsh predicts that the number of linearly independent subsets of varying sizes form a log...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Robert McCann
June 2, 2017
University of Washington
In the last few decades, the theory of optimal transportation has blossomed into a powerful tool for exploring applications both within and outside mathematics. Its impact is felt in such far ?ung areas as geometry, analysis, dynamics, partial...
Scientific, Seminar
CORE Seminar: Sébastien Bubeck
April 19, 2016
University of Washington
I will present three new results: (i) the Cramer transform of the uniform measure on a convex body is a universal self-concordant barrier; (ii) projected gradient descent with Gaussian noise allows to sample from a log-concave measure in polynomial...
Scientific, Conference
57th Cascade Topology Seminar
November 19–20, 2016
University of Washington
The 57th Cascade Topology Seminar will take place at Seattle University. The titles and abstracts for this event are: Ryan Derby-Talbot: Computing Heegaard genus is NP-Hard One of the most basic measures of the complexity of a 3-manifold is its...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Maciej Zworski
April 28, 2017
University of Washington
Next year brings the 100th anniversary of Watson's classic paper "The diffraction of electric waves by the earth" and I would like to use this as a welcome excuse to review various results about scattering by spherical obstacles. Is the sphere...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Amnon Yekutieli
October 2, 2015
University of Washington
Nonabelian multiplicative integration on curves is a classical theory, going back to Volterra in the 19th century. In differential geometry this operation can be interpreted as the holonomy of a connection along a curve. In probability theory this is...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Cédric Villani
May 1, 2017
University of Washington
The surprising encounter of three fields of research, namely non-Euclidean geometry, statistical physics and mathematical economy, and a reflection on the human drivers behind mathematical research.
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-UW Mathematics Colloquium: Alex Wright
November 18, 2016
University of Washington
We will begin by giving an elementary introduction to the GL(2,R) action on the Hodge bundle (sometimes called Teichmuller dynamics), after which we will give a survey of some of new developments in this field. This will include restrictions on the...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director, University of Washington Jayadev Athreya +1 (206) 616-2481 C-419, Padelford Hall
Site Administrator - University of Washington Michael Munz +1 (206) 543-0397
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Pawel Morzywolek PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Alex Luedtke 2024
Anastassiya Semenova PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Applied mathematics and nonlinear science Bernard Deconinck 2023
Daniel Kessler PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Daniela Witten 2023
Samuel Van Fleet PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Numerical Analysis and PDE Jingwei Hu 2023
Amrei Oswald Postdoctoral Researcher Non-commutative Algebra James Zhang 2022
Shiping Cao Postdoctoral Researcher Fractals Zhen-Qing Chen 2022
Xiaowen Zhu PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Mathematical Physics Alexis Drout 2022
Jesse Daniel Raffa University of Washington Statistics Elizabeth A. Thompson 2014
Nicholas W. Reichert University of Washington Partial Differential Equations Robin Graham 2014