Simon Fraser University

The Simon Fraser University PIMS site office is located in the Technology and Science Complex (TASC) 2 building on the Burnaby campus of Simon Fraser University (Map).

Simon Fraser University
Scientific, Seminar
Discrete Math Seminar: Daniel Katz
February 21, 2012
Simon Fraser University
Abstract: In 1976 Helleseth proposed a beautiful conjecture that connects number theory (Weil sums of binomials), sequence design (cross-correlation of maximum-length sequences), coding theory (weights in sums of irreducible cyclic codes)...
Scientific, Seminar
Discrete Math Seminar: Juhani Karhumaki
February 28, 2012
Simon Fraser University
Abstract: One of the fundamental properties of word equations isthe following compactness result: each system of word equation with a fixed finite number of unknowns is equivalent to some of its finite subsystems. Or equivalently there does not exist...
Scientific, Seminar
Discrete Math Seminar: Aaron Robertson
March 13, 2012
Simon Fraser University
Abstract: Let $D \\subseteq \\mathbb{Z}^+$. For $r \\in \\mathbb{Z}^+$, we say the $D$ is {\\it $r$-large} if every $r$-coloring of the positive integers admits an arbitrary long monochromatic arithmetic progression with common difference from $D$...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS/CSC Distinguished Speaker Series: David Bryant
December 2, 2011
Simon Fraser University
Abstract: Simulation experiments are used throughout the sciences to make model comparisons, predict future events, and lobby for particular hypotheses or metholodogies. Simulations can transform subjective design decisions into seemingly objective...
Scientific, Conference
Frontiers in Biophysics
February 11, 2012
Simon Fraser University
Frontiers in Biophysics 2012 is a one-day scientific event intended to highlight the research interests of the physical biology, chemical biology, biophysics, and mathematical biology communities from SFU, UBC and other local institutions...
Scientific, Conference
Joint UBC/SFU Graduate Student Workshop in Statistics
March 17, 2012
Simon Fraser University
The UBC Statistics Department and the SFU Statistics and Actuarial Science Department jointly host one seminar per term at a central location in Vancouver. These seminars are intended to be informal, and at a level accessible to graduate students...
Scientific, Seminar
Discrete Math Seminar: Ladislav Stacho
January 24, 2012
Simon Fraser University
Abstract: Let ne(G) be the maximum number of vertex-disjoint odd cycles of a graph G and ta(G) the minimum number of vertices whose removal makes G bipartite. We show that ta(G) ≤ 6ne(G) if G is planar. This improves the previous bound ta(G) ≤ 10ne(G...
Scientific, Seminar
Discrete Math Seminar: Chris Mitchell
March 27, 2012
Simon Fraser University
Abstract: In this talk we consider spy agents , a means for evaluating trust in remote hosts in mobile code scenarios. A spy agent, i.e. a mobile agent which circulates amongst anumber of remote hosts, can employ a variety of techniques to disguise...
Scientific, Seminar
Discrete Math Seminar: Jane Wodlinger
April 3, 2012
Simon Fraser University
Abstract In the early 1950s, Golay considered the problem of measuring radiation of a particular wavelength in the presence of background radiation, and defined a type of binary sequence pair that could be used in the design of a suitable measuring...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
Education Coordinator - Simon Fraser University Joanna Niezen +1 (778) 782 4849 SCK10502
PIMS SFU Site Administrator Kenn Liu +1 (778) 782-6655 Big Data Hub, Rm 10936
PIMS Site Director - Simon Fraser University Razvan Fetecau (778) 782-6655
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Yanwen Luo PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University Discrete &Computational Geometry Bojan Mohar 2023
Jane Shaw MacDonald PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University Numerical Analysis John Stockie 2022
Amy Wiebe Postdoctoral Researcher Combinatorics Tamon Stephen 2021
Hansol Park Postdoctoral Researcher Partial Differential Equations Razvan Fetecau 2021
Eric Jones SFU Calculus of variations and optimal control David Sivak 2020
Marco Carmosino Postdoctoral Researcher Valentine Kabanets 2019
Shuxing Li Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Jonathan Jedwab 2019
Halyun Jeong University of British Columbia High Dimensional Data Analysis Ben Adcock 2018
Nick Dexter Simon Fraser University Numerical Analysis Ben Adcock 2018
Claire Boyer Statistics Ben Adcock 2016
Mattia Talpo University of British Columbia Algebraic Geometry Nathan Ilten 2016
Simone Brugiapaglia Simon Fraser University Stochastics Ben Adcock 2016
Fiachra John Knox Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Bojan Mohar 2015
Jens Bauch Simon Fraser University Number theory and algebraic geometry Nils Bruin 2015
Julien Courtial Simon Fraser University Combinatorics Marni Mishna 2014
Kui Yu Simon Fraser University Feature selection and probabilistic graphical models on high-dimensional data Jian Pei 2014
Peter Kling Simon Fraser University Computer Science and Combinatorics Petra Berenbrink 2014